National Avocado Launching Championship Presented by the U.S. Army
September 13th and 14th, 2024
Pals Brewing Company, North Platte, Nebraska
The National Avocado Launching Championship Presented by the U.S. Army is exactly what it sounds like: an avocado launching championship, but National!
Teams of up to three people will compete to score the most points by launching avocados at targets using slingshots, water balloon launchers, resistance bands, trebuchets — basically, any launcher that is human-powered. No air guns, potato guns, flames, laser beams, or booster rockets. And no matter how much you want to show off your bulging muscles, throwing by hand is not allowed.

Why is this a thing?
Because if there’s a wife-carrying championship, why isn’t there an avocado launching championship?
So grab your friends, build a team with only the strongest, gnarliest, the hardest of the hardcore, and meet us in North Platte, Nebraska.
We’ll provide the avocados.

Example Field of Play… it is subject to change:
Event Schedule
Friday, September 13th and
Saturday, September 14th, 2024
September 13th and 14th, 2024
- 2:00pm-8:00pm – (Test Day is an optional event.)
Saturday, September 9th
National Avocado Launching Championship
- 8:30am-9:30am – Check-in (Teams must check in during this time to compete.)
- 9:00am-10:00am – Mechanism Inspection
- 10:05am – Pre-Event Meeting
- 10:20am -Competition Begins
Last 4 remaining teams
will earn prize money
Champion – $3,500
Runner-up – $2,000
The Other Two – $750/per Team


2023 Highlights
Viva Avocados!